May is a good month.
It's my birthday month. It's our anniversary month. And usually, school dismisses for the summer.
But I'll be working for another week or so. Lots of snow this winter and an unforeseen boil order pushed our dismissal date well into June.
Gizzy fainted over the news..........
It's all good though. The weather has been quite damp, so that lessens the blow.........
My Wal-Mart boots have been very handy lately. (Not that I wouldn't mind a pair of Clementine Hunters.)
When the weather has cooperated, however, I've been taking advantage of it.........
Shouldn't everyone hit up the lake on Memorial Day?
And shouldn't everyone creep on their friend's porch during a lunch break?
Then post it on Instagram for her to find?
(It's very fun.)
What else is fun? Jumping on bandwagons. I'm not much for that typically, but this one had me completely intrigued..........
Because migraines.
I've tried so many things.........acupuncture and massage therapy...........and nothing has worked.
I'm optimistic.
And also curious if anyone else has had success with oils for migraines. Please share!
With seven more days of school left, I might need your suggestions.
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Follow me on Instagram @thisvintagegrove!!