This is our new mattress (and comforter). In the living room. Between a sofa and loveseat. With junk piled high in the background. Don't judge me just yet!
Now that the honeymoon is over, and we're back home, the combining of two fully stocked households into ONE is going to HAVE to take priority!
Seriously........we have double of EVERYTHING! Blenders, toasters, microwaves, etc. We have THREE sets of washers and dryers! Don't ask....
One positive? Our house has two living rooms! But for the rest of the doubles (or triples), space is lacking! And when you have little space, you have little merging going on.
That's where I find myself. Sort of at a stand still.
Here is where I analyze: Why is this taking so long? Why am I not motivated?
Here is where I answer..........Some of the issues which are causing the merge to take the slow road are:
- Laziness! This IS my summer off! I have had my moments.....a nap here and there......but now I'm determined, with July looming, to kick it into high gear!
- Storage! I need a storage unit..........BADLY.........this is due to two other issues............
- Issue 1......I'm a pack rat! This was inherited. Dad's fault. I might NEED something at a later date, so getting rid of papers from college could potentially be dangerous! Also, I might WANT to use that lava lamp from high school in my decorating sometime down the road. Being a pack rat has it's advantages!
- Issue 2......I'm sentimental! Totally and apologetically sentimental. I'm not sure who to blame for this. Regardless, I have a whole room full of items from my childhood. Barbies, Cabbage Patch dolls, Precious Moments dolls, boxes of "notes" from middle and high school, etc. You get the picture? Oh yeah, I have boxes of those too. Pictures dating back to elementary school. Might need those for....um....blackmailing purposes? Yeah! That's it!
#1 No band camp this summer!
Thus the entire month of July off
to deal with this merger.
#2 A garage sale at the end of the month
with all my girls. This will hopefully
signify the END of the merger.
#3 Getting a storage unit with Andrea!
I already have stuff prepared to go!
Thus the entire month of July off
to deal with this merger.
#2 A garage sale at the end of the month
with all my girls. This will hopefully
signify the END of the merger.
#3 Getting a storage unit with Andrea!
I already have stuff prepared to go!
And hopefully soon, there will be an "after" picture of the living room with no bed as a coffee table.