Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lots of Firsts: Running and Blogging

First #1: BLOGGING: Whitney and Ashley are doing it, so I'm gonna try this blogging thing out too! I'll never be as witty as Whit or have creative pictures like Ashley, but I'll give it my best shot! SOOOO for my first blog entry, I think I'll talk about my other "first" tonight!

First #2: RUNNING: I avoid running if at all possible. I'll run to the phone if it's ringing and I'm far away........but that's the extent of it. SOOOOOO Kenny called and wanted to go run. I told him I'd go along, but I'd walk. Once we got started I felt compelled to keep up, so I'd run for little stretches at a time. I already knew I hated running, but now I REALLY know it. However, I wonder if I kept with it, and went a little farther each time, if I'd grow to like it. So this might be a new thing for me. We will see...................One side effect from the running, besides breathing too hard and sweating, was ITCHY legs! My legs were itching like CRAZY when I finished. Bad circulation? I don't know..........I'll have to google that one!


  1. Good trivia, girl. Now let's seek out another answer from the running gods... Why, oh whyyy, do my ears hurt so badly after running outside on a windy day? It feels much like how I would imagine ramming a pair of scissors down my ear canals would feel. Oh come on, like you've never imagined how that would feel. Hasn't everyone?

  2. Oh my goodness, what a funny post. So, have you become a runner since? I am so glad that you witty Whitney and Ashley encouraged you to join the crowd and begin blogging. You are one of my very favorite reads :)
