Anyway, when the Direct TV guy came to install our cable, it would challenge my sanity in the most incredible way.....
Placement of the dish on the house was first. Luckily, I approved of his "behind the chimney on the back of the house" placement. It's barely visible from the front of the house. This was going better than I expected.
But was time to mount the cables to the exterior of the house............

And then a panic attack ensued. I could NOT live with this. The only GOOD thing about it was that it was on the back of the house. But it was right on the patio! WHAT WAS I GOING TO DO??
I ended up leaving immediately to visit Leola's - my favorite antique shop - and I found this vintage plant stand.
Nothing a little fern couldn't fix!

Excellent fix! Thank goodness for your OCD. It is very useful for the decorating of your house (AND mine!)