Saturday, January 16, 2010


Sometimes you just need to break the rules.

That's when you smuggle Starbucks into the movie theater!

How you ask? Well, when you have a coat with big pockets, it's not a problem! After carefully placing the cup upright in the pocket, strategically position your scarf over the exposed part of the cup. Walk as slowly and smoothly as possible, to keep the cup from jostling (much harder than you think, without looking odd). Look casual. And calm. And confident!

Next thing you know, you're sipping pumpkin spice lattes while watching the latest romantic comedy!

And feeling like SUCH a daredevil! Right, Nancy?


  1. I was really wanting a blog on "how to style one's hair with a sequined head band". But, this tutorial was appreciated. Next time, when you get your drinks, ask for the drip covers. The little sticks that go in the drink hole.

  2. We are such dare devils!! So delicious!! We must repeat this event soon! LOVE YOU!

  3. That was about the best thing ever! Still laughing.
