Wednesday, December 29, 2010


...and ye shall receive.

It was the Year of the Snuggie.

I might have mentioned that having one would be funny.

It is also possible that the word "leopard" somehow made its way into that conversation.

And maybe it was mentioned to more than one person.

Because we ended up with three of them....

Two for me. And one for the mister.

He wasn't overcome with joy. Especially since his said "Property of Snuggie" right on the front. I told him we could trade, but the monkey print didn't impress him either.....

Sir Chester got an outfit of his own too.....

And if you thought it couldn't get better than Snuggies and dog hoodies, well, it did.

How bout an iPod Touch.......

Or an original window from my great grandparents' home that they built way back when......

And all the time spent with family..........

Couldn't have asked for more!


  1. Ohhhhh... Sir Chester! Ohhhhhhh! So cute....

  2. Sounds like you had a great Christmas. Where is the picture of Kenny in the snuggie????

  3. Well, you will just have to alter the mister's snuggie. Mine has peace signs. :)
