My favorite antique shop (Leola's) had it's fall open house today. I was so excited to see what they had. They totally rearranged the shop, and had the coolest pumpkins for sale!

As you can see, I bought three. I love them. These are very good things.
Earlier, I went to the farmer's market and bought another bouquet, more green beans, and red potatoes. The potatoes and green beans were a BIG HIT with Kenny last week, so I had to get some more.
I also had breakfast with my nephew and sissy (two of my favorite people) at Panera (spinach artichoke souffle & pumpkin spice latte = two more very good things).
Lots of good things all before 2:00 on a Saturday! Now I'm going to attempt some yard beautification. $3.00 hostas at Wal-mart inspired me.
I loved those pumpkins. Kind of wish I would have bought some!