Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I know it's only the fourth week of school.

I also know we just had a three day weekend (that could be the problem).

But what I know more than anything is that I'm ready for a snow day (or two).

And I fully know I've got a few months to wait, but a girl can hope, right? Gotta look forward to something.


  1. I agree... any snow day is a good day (even when you have to get up at 2am and go to work in it).

    I LOVE THE IDEA OF THE MUM ON MY FRONT PORCH! Thank you thank you thank you!

  2. Hm, I heard on the radio today that a bitterly cold, hard winter is projected for us this year. Imagine me doing a little endzone dance right now.

  3. Oh wonderful snow days. I am hoping for some but I am holding out for a few in January!!!
