With the sickness being banished this weekend, I had some more great plans. All of which, I was able to enjoy. For instance, breakfast with Ash at Gailey's! I've always wanted to eat at this cute little place, and this weekend I got to! Of course, I love all things vintage, and this restaurant fit the bill.

The weekend didn't pass by without some worry though. The threat of that tsunami really got to me Saturday morning. With my sister and her family still in Hawaii, I was a ball of nerves until it finally passed with the blink of an eye. All the hype turned out to be nothing, and I was thankful for it.
Later we had dinner with some great friends, and I even got to roll my car windows down a pinch because the weather was so great. I'm now officially longing for spring. So is my lawn and the crocuses that are popping up near my driveway.
To help welcome spring, I bought a new scarf......

And found another new version of Dr. Pepper lip gloss......

And bought something fun to read, since sadly, I'm done with the Twilight series (yes, I loved the series, once I quit resisting) and love all things Bachelor related..........

And now I'm left with looking forward to next weekend (including a trip to the spring open house of my fave antique shop).
I can't believe March is upon us.........and spring break is only 19 days away!