Thursday, June 2, 2011

School's Out!

The last day was Friday, May 27th.  I'm almost a week into my summer vacation.

Believe it or not, I have a very hard time transitioning from the school year to summer break.

It's like going from ninety to nothing.  There's no slow down period.  It's not gradual.  One day you're working.  Next thing you know, you have weeks of vacation staring you in the face.

Don't get me wrong.  I am not complaining.

I'm just stating that, initially, it kind of feels surreal.  It takes some time to get into a groove.

At first, I feel manic.  Like I have so many things to pack in and I want to accomplish them!  But when that fades, I get really lazy.

Right now, I'm in the middle of manic.

Next week, I might be in the middle of lazy.

Let's hope I find my balance soon.

Nevertheless, summer is here, and I have lots to look forward to........weddings, concerts, camping trips, swimming.  And I've already called Bob the Builder for another house project!  It's a small one, but stay tuned anyway.  You might even get a peek of my special room.


  1. I totalllllllly relate... Hence my summer lists. I like being manic together though! Seeing you today was fun!!!!

  2. I just got back from a week in Pennsylvania visiting family, which was too hectic to consider a vacation. Next step is putting the house back together after a week of installing the hardwood floors, and my online grad class starts Monday. My first summer off is not panning out to be very relaxing...
