For about an hour, I stewed and fumed and complained (to and at was my fault after all). Then I thought, "I can' t give up that easily! Give it another shot!"
So I did! I decided to list two separate auctions, really researching shipping this time. As the bids came in, I got more and more excited! The prices kept getting higher and higher! One exceeded my expectations, and the other didn't do too bad either! ANNNNDDD I'm happy to report that after shipping both items yesterday, I was right on the money with my shipping estimates!!!
So what did I sell?
Up for auction first, we have SEVEN vintage embroidered day of the week towels on old feedsack material. These babies were a HOT item! After 11 bids, the final total came to $41.00! YEEEEEHAW!!!!!!!!!

Second, I had SIX vintage tablecloths in an array of colors and designs. After 20 bids, the final total was $24.50. Not too bad!

And while SELLING on Ebay is getting a bit addictive, so is BUYING. Doesn't that cancel out making money? Nevermind! Who CARES!!!
The latest obsession?? Vintage watering cans............
I'm up to SEVEN of them, but I've decided, you can never have enough watering cans.
Well, that's not what Kenny thinks......
Sounds like you are becoming an Ebay queen! You gonna start doing that as a side job?!?!?!!! The day of the week towels were pretty cute. I noticed all your watering cans for the first time yesterday. You might have to find a new spot to put some of them if you keep finding them!