About a year and a half ago, the kitchen remodel entered "Phase 1." Phase 1 was the flooring. We removed the CARPET in the kitchen and replaced it with TILE. All by ourselves. I was the tiler, Kenny was the grouter and tile cutter. We loved the outcome.
Before...............nasty, gross, indoor/outdoor carpeting...........WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?

After........................So much better!

Our next goal, Phase 2, was to paint the walls and cabinets. Phase two got off to a great start one beautiful weekend 6 months ago. Phase 2 is incomplete. Back to Phase 2 later.
The time had come for Phase 3. Phase 3 could be completed without Phase 2 being finished. So, with the money saved up, and everything picked out, this last weekend, the kitchen got an overhaul! Old laminate was ripped out, and all new was going in. Up til this point, Kenny and I (with help from mom and dad) had done all the work ourselves. But NONE of us had any experience with countertops, so we left it to the professionals: new counters, new tile backsplash, and new hood/cooktop.
Before...................Circa 1967 laminate

After...............Beautiful Wilson Art HD counters and tile backsplash...........

Look how well my counter and floor match.............I found the tile and counter myself............I'm very proud.

We are thrilled with the outcome. Our diamond is polishing up nicely. Slowly, but surely.

It is all looking wonderful! What a great job you are doing on all your projects. I am not like that at all!!!