Friday, July 16, 2010

I Win & Other Stuff

The tub battle is mine. Bob agreed. It'll be a 30" tub. And I'm sure to behave in the future in regard to all remodeling projects.

On an unrelated matter, I googled the trial I had a chance to be apart of (but wasn't due to an unexpected torrent of tears). The jury came to a decision, and this article explains the whole incident and verdict very well.

And lastly, today while I bake in the sun at our annual garage sale, I'll think back to Tuesday's poolside sushi date with Nancy..............

And wish I'd done one more cannonball.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I long to bath by a pool and be submerged in water! I am cursing myself for taking easy access to pools for granted when I lived in Houston. 'Cause here's what: Chicago? Hot as balls, and not so many pools! I'm on a mission now...
