For weeks, I've been driving by this on my way home from work:

That, my friends, is a portable building dubbed the
Taco Wagon. Stationed in a vacant lot, this building on wheels claims to serve its namesake: tacos. Since noticing the Taco Wagon, I've been dying to sample the "$1.00 tacos" and "homemade tamales" the roadside banner advertises.
I tried convincing the husband one Sunday afternoon but received a firm
"NO!" Did you think I would give up that easily?
After scheming with a friend, we discovered both our husbands would be gone on a particular Friday night. So what better way to spend the evening
and alleviate our curiosity?
That's when we arranged the
Taco Wagon Wellness Night.

Great friends gathered to experience the restaurant on wheels. We were not disappointed. Or sick, after the fact, for all the skeptics out there.
And speaking of skeptics, the Mr. was still adamantly against the trying of the Taco Wagon, even after I survived the consumption of the roadside stand's vittles. I spoke of its glory, but there was no changing his mind.
But then something crazy happened today.
He asked where I wanted to have lunch. I said, "The Taco Wagon." He was still opposed to the idea. I dropped it. We got in the car. He began driving.......away from the main drag, where all the restaurants are........
He began driving toward the Taco Wagon.My heart was soaring! Could it be? Was the Mr. giving in?
As he pulled into the lot where the restaurant-with-a-hitch sits, I had to throw my arms around him.

We ordered, and of course, he liked it. Chicken and steak tacos at their finest (with a Coke in a glass bottle, because drinking a Coke from a vintage style glass bottle is way more fun).
I'm so lucky. I have great, adventurous friends and a sweet husband that humors my silly, wild hares.
And now my Taco Wagon curiosity has been satisfied.