Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Revelation

After a long day yesterday, I'm feeling better. A bouquet and brats from the Farmer's Market are sure to cheer a person up. And sandals from Target (on clearance) don't hurt either. Throw in a Starbucks Frapp, a St. George's bear claw, and a swimming pool and you're on the road to recovery.

I learned something about myself yesterday that I honestly didn't know. Or had never even really considered.

I was called in for jury duty. In my mind, I was prepared for a minor civil case or a home invasion. Never in a million years did I think the case would involve murder.

The day started out at 8:30 a.m. I made the first round and was ushered to the courtroom for mass questioning. At 7:00 that evening, I was brought back in for small group questioning.

The small group was seated where the jury sits. The judge, the defense team, the defendant, and the prosecution were all stationed in front of us. Just like on television.

I was petrified. It was surreal.

We were given the specifics of the incident. This person had already been found guilty. This would be a sequestered jury, and we'd be sent to another part of the state for this trial. We were then asked individually if we could deliver a death sentence. Because that was what the state was seeking. And that would be our job, as the jury.

All this being said right in front of the defendant. I'm looking at this person. This person was maybe 15 feet away. They were asking us if we had it in us to sentence this person to death.

One by one the candidates answered. In the meantime, I was having a panic attack. My heart was racing. Tears were welling up behind my eyes. I couldn't breathe. And then it was my turn.

I shook my head.

The prosecutor said, that for the record, the court needed a verbal response.

I muttered something that was supposed to mean no and proceeded to burst into tears.

I sure didn't know that was going to happen. And I sure didn't know that I felt that way. It's easy to say what you think you'd do in a situation like that. Until it's really happening. And you're facing it. I know what this person did was unforgivable. Terrible. Awful. But my heart just couldn't say yes. I think having to make that decision about someone's life would haunt me forever.

The whole ordeal made me thoughtful. Sad.

And an 11 hour day confined to the jury room didn't help my sanity either.......

Needless to say, I was skipped over during the remaining questions and promptly dismissed after 11 hours in the courthouse. Crying, whether intentional or not, is evidently a great way to get dismissed from jury duty.

I couldn't wait to get home.

Then when it was finally time to hit the hay, what do I see dangling above the bed?

A dang spider.

Really? Really????

With the mister being away, it was all up to me. I ran for a weapon. When I returned with a wad of paper towels the size of a basketball, the darn thing was nowhere to be found. I tore the bed apart looking for it.

It had vanished.

There was no way I was gonna inhale that thing in my sleep.

So I slept, fitfully, on the sofa.

July 9, 2010 couldn't get over fast enough. July 9th, 2010 is dead to me.

Luckily, the outlook for today is appearing to be much better. Look out flotation device, here I come.


  1. What an ordeal! I can't believe it came down to eleven hours... whew! And yes, I think I would've felt exactly the same way, in the end. I'm so sorry.

    And the nerve of that SPIDER! Geez.

  2. I am overly ready to see you friend, overly. Looking forward to some sun tomorrow.

  3. Oh Hun ~
    That was such a well written post that I felt I was right there, in the court room and below the dangly spider. I hope you got to soak in a nice hot bath and relax sometime soon after that. I feel the same way about spiders so I understand. Blessings and Joy only for you the rest of the summer! ~ XO Katie
